- Concept and Nature of Management: Concept & Definitions, Features of Management,
- Management as Science, Art & Profession, Levels of Management, Scope of Management, Nature of Management Process,
- Classification of Managerial Functions,
- Evolution of Management Thought, Approaches to Management (Classical, Behavioral, Quantitative Contingency),
- Contribution Of Leading Thinkers, Orientation to management thought process.
- Role of Manager- Professional Manager and his tasks, Managerial skills,
- Managerial Ethics and Organization Culture,
- Recent Trends in Management Thought.
UNIT – 2
- Overview of functions of management;
- Concepts of POSDCORB,
- Planning and Management Process, Mission- Objective- Goals, Urgent and Important Paradigms,
- Planning process in Detail, Types and Levels of Plans
- Steps of planning
- Problems solving and decision making,
- Time Management.
- Planning and Decision Making – Nature, Process and Types of Planning,
- Management By Objectives (MBO), Nature & Principles Of Organization, Organizing and Organizing Structure,
- Forms Of Organization Structure Line & Staff, Organization Chart, Principles of Organization;
- Scalar Principle, Departmentation; Unity and Command,
- Span of Control, Centralization and Decentralization,
- Authority and Responsibility, Delegation
UNIT – 3
- Basic concepts of control- Definition, Process and Techniques.
- Directing: Nature & Scope of Directing,
- Motivation and Morale,
- Communication,
- Leadership, Concept, Theories of Leadership, styles, Successful versus effective leadership styles in travel trade and hospitality organizations, Coordination
UNIT – 4
- Types of Groups,
- Reason for the formation of group, Group cohesiveness, group conflicts, team building,
- Individual differences: Causes of individual differences.
- Interpersonal Skill – Transactional analysis, Life Positions, Johari Window