Chaud – froid, translated literally means hot – cold. This name refers to the fact that the sauce is cooked and is applied hot, but then chilled and served cold. The high gelatin content of the sauce makes it possible to apply it to an item while still warm and flowing. As the sauce cools, it gels and adheres to the product. It gives a smooth, pristine surface and seals the product from the air.
Chaud – froid is a sauce that is applied to a product and is never served as an accompaniment or used to cook an item in like other sauces. Galantines, timbales, terrines, whole or smaller joints of poultry and ham are some of the products that can be coated with a chaud – froid.
The purpose of coating items with a chaud – froid are:
- protection of the item from the air while it sits on the buffet.
- the sauce acts as a background or a canvas on which to decorate.
- The chaud – froid is an adornment itself. d. the sauce can complement the flavor of the coated item.