International Air Transport Association Inc. (IATA)
After 2nd world war airline industry was badly affected and to revive this industry many airlines joined hand to form an association. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) was set up in 1945 by the airlines of several countries to regulate world’s civil air transport. It is the successor to the International Air Transport Association founded at Hague
in 1919. As a non-governmental organization, it drew its legal existence from a special Act of Canadian Parliament in December, 1945. The IATA is closely resembled with the International Civil Aviation Organization in terms of activities and organizational structure.
The IATA is voluntary, non-exclusive, non-political democratic organisation and its membership is open to all operating airline which has been licensed the government to provide scheduled air services. IATA is purely a non-political, commercial regulatory organization and has powers to regulate every activity of its constituents. However, the overall control and management of the association lies with the general meeting of all the members which takes place annually. Basically, the meeting has two main responsibilities (a) Internal affairs of the association and (b) Functions — Finance, accounting, medical, traffic conference, legal, technical and other activities related with the industry. The internal affairs include — the appointment of the president and approval of the budget etc.
According to IATA, the world’s airlines safely transported 3.5 billion people and 51 million metric tons of cargo in 2015. They accomplished this with a workforce of nearly 10 million people managing a fleet of 26,000 aircraft averaging 100,000 flights a day over a global network of 51,000 routes. Even more impressive than the scale of these operational numbers is the contribution of aviation to prosperity. The industry supports the livelihoods of 63 million people and underpins $2.7 trillion of GDP. Aviation is a force for good (IATA, 2017).
IATA has two types of members:
Active Members :Active membership is further divided into two types (a) Trade associations and tariff co-ordination, and (b) Trade Associations only Any airline which has been licensed to operate a scheduled air services by the appropriate authority to transport passengers, mail or cargo between the territories of two countries, is eligible to become an active member of the association The active members have various rights, duties and authority Presently, there are more than 275 airlines as active members from 200 countries Associate
Members: This membership is open to any other organisation/ enterprise who is operating in transport, hotels, resorts, travel trade and indirectly involved in tourism related activities.
Role and Contribution
IATA provides a common platform to solve many travel trade problems.
IATA helps the travel agencies and tour operators to establish their professionalism and integrity in the field of tourism.
TATA helps to simplify the travelling process.
IATA helps in the promotion and development of tourism.
IATA helps the government to formulate civil aviation policy paid tourism policy.
It lays down rules and conditions for the approval of travel trade organizations.
Helpful to ensure the safe, regular and economical air transport for the benefit of people worldwide.
Provide means for collaboration and Promote and develop international tourism.
Helpful to prevent economic waste caused by unreasonable competition.
Encourage the art of aircraft design and operation for peaceful purposes.
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
The origin of UNWTO dates back to 1920 when the International Congress of Official Tourist Traffic Associations (ICOTT) was formed at The Hague. In 1934 International Union of Official Tourist Propaganda organisation (IUOTPO) was created. However, it was renamed as the International Union of Official Travel Organizations (IUOTO) after World
War II in Geneva. IUOTO was a technical,’ no Organisation, whose membership at its peak included 109 National Tourist (NTOs) and 88 associate members, among them private and public sector organizations. It was on the recommendations of the UN that the formation of the new intergovernmental tourism organization was based. Resolution 2529 of the XXIVth UN general assembly stated in 1970, the IUOTO general assembly voted in favour of
forming the World Tourism Organization (WTO) Based on statutes of the IUOTO, and after ratification by the prescribed 51 states, the WTO came into operation on November 1, 1974.
The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism. It is the leading international organization in the field of tourism, which promotes tourism as a driver of economic growth, inclusive development and environmental sustainability and offers leadership and support to the sector in advancing knowledge and tourism policies worldwide. It encourages the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism[1] to maximize the contribution of tourism to socio-economic development, while minimizing its possible negative impacts, and is committed to promoting tourism as an instrument in achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), geared towards reducing poverty and fostering sustainable development. UNWTO generates market knowledge, promotes competitive and sustainable tourism policies and instruments, fosters tourism education and training, and works to make tourism an effective tool for development through technical assistance projects in over 100 countries around the world. UNWTO’s membership includes 157 countries, 6 territories and over 500 affiliate members representing the private sector, educational institutions, tourism associations and local tourism authorities (UNWTO, 2016) . Its headquarters are located in Madrid . UNWTO Tourism Regions : Africa : America : Australasia : Europe : Middle East

Role and Contribution
Since the inception of WTO, it has been playing pivotal role in the field of travel and tourism. In fact, WTO is acting as an umbrella organisation, and plays a catalytic role in promoting technological transfers and international cooperation, stimulating and developing public private sector partnership, encouraging the implementation of the Global Code of
ethics for tourism, maximises the possible economic-social, cultural impact of tourist and minimise its negative social, cultural, and environmental impact. To further strengthen its overall role in tourism, WTO was converted into a specialized agency of the United Nations.
Thus, WTO has been playing an increasingly important role to make tourism as a number one industry at Global, regional and national levels. WTO has taken various initiatives to promote and develop tourism in systematic and scientific way such as:
Develop intercultural awareness and personal friendship
Encourage investment in tourism
Help in equalise Economic opportunities.
Develop international understanding and peace
Regional development
Develop sustainable and Responsible Tourism
Cooperate and coordinate with International agencies for tourism development
Provide leadership, and quality education
Destination development and management
Promote Technology
Develop statistical measurement
Develop ethics and social Responsibilities
Pacific Asia Travel Association Inc. (PATA)
PATA is the largest travel promotional organisation in the world. It promotes travel and tourism to and within, the pacific region. It was incorporated to develop, promote and facilitate travel to areas within the Pacific Rim in 1951 as a non-profit, voluntary and non-political corporation.
Generally, the membership of PATA is open to all professional organisations such as airlines, steamship lines, travel agencies, tour operators, hoteliers, governments, tourism professional organisations, advertising agencies and public relations agencies etc. PATA has four types of membership like Active Members ,Associate Members ,Allied Members and Affiliated Members. Every year the members of PATA meet at an annual conference to discuss various issues and activities of the association. The members elect the Board of Directors for three and two year’s terms. The control and management of the PATA is vested in the hands of active members.
PATA, in order to achieve its objectives has set up a well defined network of regional and promotional chapters. The regional chapters are situated within the pacific area and provide information, organise training programmes for members, improve quality of plants and services, and take steps to increase regional tourism traffic. The PATA India chapter was set up in 1969. The promotional chapters are situated outside the pacific area and are responsible for the promotion of travel trade. Practically, the activities of these chapters are designed to increase the tourist traffic in the pacific region by organising regular meetings of the members, organising trade fairs, educational programmes, untapped natural resources and seminars/conferences on various pacific destinations. Generally, PATA’s main aim is the progressive development and promotion of tourism to its member countries.
On December 8, 2015, PATA announced an organisational partnership with the Professional Travel Bloggers Association (PTBA) to strengthen the cooperation and shared interests between the two associations. One of the first activities of the newly signed partnership was to combine efforts to encourage buyers, sellers and conference delegates to connect with leading industry travel bloggers at the PATA Adventure Travel and Responsible Tourism Conference and Mart 2016 in Chiang Rai, Thailand from February 17–19, 2016 at the Dusit Island Resort Chiang Rai (PATA, 2015).
On April 18, 2016 PATA and the Reef-World Foundation (Reef-World) announced a new organisational partnership that recognises the positive impacts that their mutual support and endorsement can have in the areas of marine conservation and in the sustainable development of marine initiatives and opportunities. The specific objectives of this partnership include the mutual support and endorsement of both organisations as well as collaboration in awareness building and knowledge sharing on related issues.
The contribution of PATA towards its members can be studied under the following points:
PATA conducts research studies on tourism
PATA organises marketing programmes
Promote common platform for sharing problems
To provide travel information
HR Development and provide legal counselling / service.
Organise tourism seminars on at national, regional and international scale.
Preserve, protect and utilise cultural tourism resources and those unique to the country’s heritage.
Formulate guideline to promote travel sector.
Encourage the development of profession at mgt approach in travel sector.
Negotiate, with other international organisations.
Financial help and Technical help.
PATA helps in the improvement of tourist plants and service facilities
PATA helps the member countries to introduce corrective measures to increase tourist traffic.
World Association of Travel Agencies (WATA)
After the World War I, many tourist organisations were established to streamline the growth and development of tourist activities. One of them is the world Association of Travel agencies (WATA), was established to protect the interest of Travel agencies worldwide and to provide them means for collaboration with Airlines, Hotels, cruises, transport organisations and other travel vendors. It was incorporated in 1937 at Geneva.
Contribution and role in travel trade
The following points are the evidence of the role and contribution of WATA:
o promote common platform for sharing problems
o To provide travel information
o HR Development and provide legal counselling / service.
o To organise tourism seminars on at national, regional and international scale.
o to develop tourism terms
o To regulate and control travel trade organisation.
o To publish statistics, surveys, studies, market Research
o To preserve, protect and utilize cultural tourism resources and those unique to the country’s heritage.
o To formulate ethics and other professional guidelines.
o Promotion of ethic standards and Develop and promote tourism.
o Formulate guideline to promote travel sector.
o Conduct worldwide marketing Research.
o Encourage the development of profession at mgt approach in travel sector.
o Negotiate, with other international organisations.
o Financial help and Technical help.
o Organise seminars/conference and Provide update information.
o Help Govt. to formulate policies.
o GDS.
o International cooperation (IATA, IHIA, IUR).
o Educations and training for members.
o Projects for the benefit of members.
American Society of Travel Agents INC. (ASTA)
The American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) is the leading and largest professional association of travel trade in the travel and tourism industry. It was established in 1931 as the American Steamship and Tourist Agents Association but in 1945, the association changed its name to ‘The American Society of Travel Agents Inc.’ ASTA’s present name was adopted to foster programmes for the advancement of the travel industry, promote ethical practices and provide a public forum for travel agents. It has more than 25000 members which include 18000 active and the remaining are allied and associate members. Active members are travel agencies and Tour operators where as allied and associate members are airlines, hotels, railways, government tourist offices and government organisations. The main objective of ASTA is the promotion, advancement of the interests of
members, safeguarding the travelling people against frauds, and other unethical practices.
ASTA’s Role in Travel Trade
The ASTA has 58 chapters including 28 in USA and Canada and remaining 30 chapters are in different countries. These are managed by the elected officers and executive committees. The president and chairman of the board are elected by the active members for two years. The day-to-day activities are administered by an executive vice-president assisted by the professional staff.
A professional travel trade organisation — ASTA comprises different segments of the industry and is playing a pivotal role for the promotion and development of the world’s fastest growing industry.
The following points justify the above assertions:
ASTA helps in professional and technical assistance.
It offers a common forum for exchange of ideas.
It conducts worldwide market research.
It helps the governments to formulate tourism policy and strategies.
ASTA protects the tourists from unethical travel trade practices.
ASTA conducts research, study and publicity for the sound development of travel agencies.
ASTA offers various training and management development programmes for senior executives of travel companies.
ASTA co-operates with all organisations and individuals engaged in tourism activities, designed to enhance the professional standing of the travel industry.
Help to educate and train members and tpo provide a common forum.
Organise travel seminars, conferences and conventions.
Provide means for collaboration and publish material relating to travel industry.
Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI)
In 1951 a group of twelve travel agents joined hand to create an association to protect the interests and to provide a common platform to solve travel industry problems and issues. The TRAVEL AGENTS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA (TAAI) was formed in the year 1951 by a group of twelve leading travel agents, who felt the time had come to create an Association to regulate the travel industry in India along organized lines and in accordance with sound business principles. The basic aim of the association was to development of the travel and tourism industry in India. TAAI has 66 years long history of its existence in India. Its name as well as its credibility, both with the travellers and the government of India, is well established the primary purpose was to protect the interests of those engaged in the industry, to promote its orderly growth and development and to safeguard the
travelling public from exploitation by unscrupulous and unreliable operators. The Association’s membership has swelled steadily from the original 12 to approximately 2500 members consisting of Active, Associate, Allied, Government and Non-Resident from 1951 to 2017 respectively.
The TAAI was incorporated on a modest scale and had only 12 travel agencies as its members at that time. The organisation now has a membership of about 2500 in more than 86 cities of India and 20 foreign countries. The TAAI Logo represents integrity, ethics, professionalism, service and financial soundness of the travel outfit. TAAI is a limited company with headquarter at Mumbai.
The Travel Agents Association of India is the representative body of the travel industry of India, representing not only the interest of travel agencies but also of other segments of the tourism industry such as tour operators, hotels, airlines (International and domestic), transport companies, cruise companies, excursion agents and tourist guides who are its members. The Ministry of the Tourism, Government of India and State Tourism departments recognise the representative character of TAAI and the company is consulted on each issue that has direct or indirect impact on tourism. In fact, the department of tourism, ITDC and State Tourism Corporations are its members. The company has a consultative status with the Ministry of External Affairs, Civil Aviation, Finance, Transport, Railways and Home affairs.
Activities of TAAI
- TAAI functions as a powerful platform for interaction of thoughts and experiences TAAI helps promote, maintain and stimulate the growth of travel and tourism in the industry.
- TAAI educates and equips the members to meet the challenges of tomorrow through conventions and seminars.
- TAAI draws the attention of the controlling and regulatory authorities in the country and discusses with them the problems of the industry and works for the survival and betterment of its members.
- TAAI maintains close contact with world bodies and represents matters affecting the travel and tourism industry of the country.
- TAAI gathers useful information on travel and tourism and disseminates the same to its members for their guidance.
- TAAI helps develop better understanding among the different segments of the travel industry and brings them into its fold by offering membership under different categories.
- TAAI fosters fraternity among its members
The role of TAAI:
TAAI functions as a powerful platform for interaction of thoughts and experiences.
Protect the interest of Indian Travel Companies.
Organize training and development programmes for the members.
Provide means for collaboration and Develop ‘and promote tourism.
Provide timely, up to date and reliable information to the members.
promote ethical practices
TAAI helps promote, maintain and stimulate the growth of travel and tourism in the industry
TAAI educates and equips the members to meet the challenges of tomorrow through conventions and seminars
TAAI draws the attention of the controlling and regulatory authorities in the country and discusses with them the problems of the industry and works for the survival and betterment of its members.
TAAI helps develop better understanding among the different segments of the travel industry and brings them into its fold by offering membership under different categories.
Protect the interest of Indian Travel Companies.
Organize training and development programmes for the members.
Provide means for collaboration and Develop ‘and promote tourism.
Provide timely, up to date and reliable information to the members.
promote ethical practices
Helps in promotion of inbound, outbound and domestic tourism
TAAI helps government to formulate tourism policy
helps in maintaining continuous dialogue with other tourism organizations
The Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO)
The Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) is the National body of the tourism industry. It has over 1600 members covering all segments of Tourism Industry. IATO today has acquired international acceptance and linkages with international, national and regional tourism association. It has close connections and constant interaction with other Tourism Associations in US, UK, RUSSIA, Japan, China, Nepal and Indonesia and other countries for the development business ethics viz-a-viz promotion of international tourism. Many associations like USTOA, NATO and ASITA are its member bodies; and is increasing its international networking with professional bodies for better facilitation to the International travellers visiting not only India but the entire Region. Moreover, IATO has 12 Action Committees, each focused on a specialized area headed by a Convenor assisted by his committee members.
Over the years, the functions of the travel companies have increased considerably. The travel agencies are no more acting as middle man between the vendors and tourists. They are specialised in one product line i.e. tour packaging. Today, they are the manufacturers of tourism product and are commonly known as ‘tour operators’. The tour operator has his own price tag for earning profit and has deployed several tour promotional programmes. However, to encourage, assist and to protect the interests of tour operators, the Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) was formed in 1982. The association is the representative body of tour operators. The IATO promotes, develops and helps the members to maintain and set up high ethical standards in the industry. It has been playing a very significant role in the promotion and development of inbound tourism. The IATO has taken many steps which are necessary for promoting, assisting and encouraging the development of travel and
tourism industry throughout the country and has also taken an initiative to secure the welfare of tourism business in all respects. The association has promoted an equal opportunity for all visitors to enjoy the travel facilities without the distinction of race, colour, creed or nationality.
IATO has 12 Action Committees, each focused on a specialized area headed by a Convenor assisted by his committee members.
They are:
Adventure Tourism Development Committee
Civil Aviation, Press & PR Committee
Domestic Tourism Development Committee
Grievances Committee
Guides Coordination Committee
Host Committee
Hotel Relations Development Committee
IATO News Committee
Legal Affairs, Insurance & Consumer Committee
Privilege Card Development Committee
Railways Co-ordination & Dev. Committee
Surface Transportation Development Committee
Website Development Committee
IATO’S Contribution and role in travel trade
The main role of IATO is:
To promote national integration, international welfare and goodwill
To take necessary steps for promotion, encouragements and development of tourism in the country
To develop, promote and encourage friendly feelings among the tour operators and travel agents/agencies
To protect the interest of the members
To setup and maintain high ethical standards.
To settle the disputes of the members.
To communicate and negotiate with chambers of commerce, IATA, GOI, (Ministry of Tourism), and other organisations on behalf of members.
To get affiliation with tourism organisations in other countries.
To organise promotional tours with DoT, Airlines and International Tourism bodies.
To institute awards for excellence in travel trade.
Protect the members from the mal-practices
Provides information.
Assists tourism educational institutions to shape their students as per industry requirements
Provide well quality of Human resources
Promote ethical and sustainable operational / managerial practices.
Tourism and travel associations exist in almost every country of the world. These associations lay down the guidelines, objectives and aims to protect the interests of the members as well as tourists. The associations directly and indirectly promote tourism and build the image of the host country at globe. These associations help the department of tourism to formulate effective and extensive tourism policies and strategies.
Unify various Associations representing different interest within the entire industry by putting together a common platform & working programme.
Create a strong lobby with the Government to ensure prompt participation in decision making with the Government, prior to enacting of new laws, revision of policies and/or otherwise.
Faster contacts, co-ordination and exchanges, with International Tourism Bodies and Associations worldwide, and establish a regular dialogue with GOITO global offices.
Life membership to state level bureaucrats and politicians who have been involved with tourism betterment, in order to ensure effective support and adding strength to lobby.
Arrangements with major financial institutes for grant of loans for small & large-scale tourism projects.
Arrangements of special quotas with domestic airlines for offering fixed discount fares for our members and/or IATO teams taking business travel within the country.
Setting up an IATO School of Tourism & Club to facilitate professional training of the guides, entrepreneurs, youth, others. To arrange allotment of land and mobilize funds for this purpose.
Setting up of a proper legal cell to safeguard internal interest of the members against overseas agents/markets/realization of funds etc.
Strategically promotion of IATO logo on global basis, in order to firmly establish it’s own identity and power-value, through specific PR and other consistent efforts.
To gradually open up and establish a channel of communications with the PMs Office in order to harness very serious attention towards Tourism and/or it’s affects.
Upgrade IATO Secretariat to ensure greater efficiency and rapid communications.
Recreation of IATO Website with Data and Information, update on everyday basis.
Unify IATO Members through regular dialogues and create greater participation from members irrespective of size of their company.
Repositioning of IATO newsletter effectively covering news and views of the industry.
Immediate setting up of Steering Committee to facilitate & focus long-term progress.
Reorientation of IATO Secretariat for efficient and timely handling of decisions, placing a second line of command system in place.
24 hour helpline at international airports to facilitate members with right information and support.
Availability of an IATO reference-data library at Secretariat covering (a) Marketing Data, Marketing Trends (b) Date of Trade Fairs and Exhibitions, (c) Logistics for foreign travel, recommended hotels, trains, special tips, local expenses budgets, assistance telephone numbers.
Ready acceptance of IATO recommendations for Visa clearance and passport services.
Insurance coverage of special kind for safeguard against consumer protection law.
IATO Regional Chapters reactivation for greater independent functioning to fully encourage separate destination marketing bearing in mind the developments of the international airports in different parts of India.
Printing of a compact IATO India Arrival booklet covering IATO and key infos, to provide instant precise general information/reference/assistance to tourists from all countries, upon arrival at immigrations