• Quantity control system: to compare the quantity of each raw commodity used in preparation with the quantity sold and thus eliminate losses by brining waste to light.
  • Food sales and cost analysis system: food sales and costs are analyzed in terms of various main ingredient groups and any major deviations are noted, thus eliminating losses by brining waste to light.
  • Modified or cost analysis system: this method is an abbreviated approach that depends solely upon the trends of the individual cost ratios to total sales of about 20 food groups to indicate which commodities may be adversely affecting the total operation result. It is less expensive to operate.
  • Standard cost control system: this is the application of the principles of standard cost to the food service industry. This system is designed to provide an effective method for comparing food cost of a particular operation against internally developed standards. The standards are obtained by performing a detailed food sales and cost analysis. Once the standard is determined, control is measured by the variance between actual costs and expected or standard cost.
  • Electronic system: through computer devices.