- Grooming and Personal hygiene to be maintained to stop cross contamination.
- Equipment hygiene to be maintained – all equipment to be washed, rinsed and dried after use.
- Workplace hygiene – pantry to be kept clean at all times.
- Colour coded dusters to be used.
- WC (Water Closet) duster to be kept separately in the chamber maid’s trolley.
- Cleaning solution to be changed frequently while cleaning.
- Brooms should not be used especially in the hospital.
- Cleaning agents to be prepared freshly, never top up a disinfectant solution.
- If a solution is used and then stored for further use, it may spread germs rather than kill them.
- Use of semi-bins in public area toiletsÂ
- Garbage not be touched with bare hands.
- Telephones need to be disinfected.
- Use of protective equipment.
- Ladder to be checked of its stability before using.
- Caution board to be used in public areas.
- Appropriate equipment to be used while cleaning.
- While lifting heavy weights/items, bend your knees, not back, as it may fall on your feet or your backbone may be hurt or damage.
- Avoid lifting the heavy weight, help should be taken wherever possible.
- Cleaning agents to be stored in the labelled bottles, instructions should be written on the bottles.
- Proper training to be given to cleaners in terms of use of equipment and cleaning agents.
- First aid kit to be maintained and kept available.
- Fire Exit should never be blocked by keeping equipment/ furniture in front of it.
- At the time of fire in the building, elevators & lift should not be used. follow only stairs.
- Ensure that the cigarette leftover are fully extinguished before they are trashed.
- Dispose off rags after using any solvent as they can increase the risk of fire.