- The cold mousse is a delicacy that is sure to delight the eye and please the palate as well.
- A mousse can be defined as a mixture of cooked ingredients, pureed and held together with gelatin, veloute sauce, mayonnaise or aspic jelly, then enriched with cream and sometimes flavored with wine.
- The mousse is always served cold, very often attractively moulded.
- Mousseline is made out of a combination of uncooked meat that are pureed and bound with egg white and sometimes cream.
- They are set by cooking. Normally, the forcemeat for a mousseline is made out of fish. The raw fish is processed along with egg white to a fine paste.
- Seasoning and a little cream can be incorporated towards the end of the processing. The mixture may be flavored with herbs like dill and parsley. It is then spooned into moulds like a timbale and then covered and steamed until the mixture has set.