As the French cuisine was too much complicated and having heavy sauces, therefore, in the early 70s, the chefs decided to bring changes in the French cuisine. There were many chefs who contributed their efforts like chef H. Gault and C. Millau, as they were habitual of eating the same classical food every day. It revolutionized French cookery.
Chefs like P.& J. Troisgros, M. Guerad, Achapel, R. Verce and Paul Bocus spoke of changes and revolution was started by emphasising on serving original salads, vegetables, terrines, fish just cooked on the on the bar and the price were high.
A list of changes made in French cuisine:
Gault and Millau “discovered the formula” contained in ten characteristics of this new style of cooking. The ten characteristics identified were:
- A rejection of excessive complication in cooking.
- Cooking times for most fish, seafood, game birds, veal, green vegetables and pâtés were greatly reduced in an attempt to preserve the natural flavours. Steaming was an important trend from this characteristic.
- The cuisine was made with the freshest possible ingredients.
- Large menus were abandoned in favour of shorter menus.
- Strong marinades for meat and game ceased to be used.
- Heavy sauces such as espagnole and béchamel were replaced by seasonings with fresh herbs, high-quality butter, lemon juice, and vinegar.
- Regional dishes replaced as inspiration instead of cuisine classique
- New techniques were embraced and modern equipment was often used; Bocuse even used microwave ovens.
- The chefs paid close attention to the dietary needs of their guests through their dishes.
- The chefs were extremely inventive and created new combinations and pairings.