- Icings and toppings complement cakes.
- Butter cream is rich, appearing as the filling, coating and decoration of many European cakes.
- Soft icings are more classical, notably fondant which offers a mirror-smooth background.
- Simple whipped toppings are more frivolous and may also double as fillings.
- Others include pastry cream thick custard, ricotta and cream cheese. With the exception of whipped or Chantilly cream , icings and toppings are usually added ahead so flavours mellow.
- The function of a icing or topping is to highlight the cake it- self.
- Flavours should be lively; otherwise a finished cake can taste unpleasantly sweet and rich. Colouring should be added with a light hand for soft pastel shades. Nuts, shredded coconut or .chocolate shavings may provide a final decorative touch.
- Functions :
- Making the product look more decorative.
- Make it more nutritious and rich.
- Contribute flavour and also it gives a coating to improve its quality.
- To protect from drying or moistening.
- The most common butter cream is made with egg yolks beaten with hot sugar syrup to a light mousse, then mixed with creamed butter.
- A lighter version uses egg whites.
- Flavourings vary from coffee and chocolate to liqueurs and fruit purees.
- Use un-salted butter and beat thoroughly for lightness.
- It may also be lightened by folding in an equal volume of pastry cream to make pastry butter cream (Fr. creme mousseline). It has the same use as butter icing.
- Firm decoration cannot be made with this because of its creamy texture. o Storage period is lesser than butter icing.
Butter cream variations
- White butter cream : Makes 375 g butter cream. Following the recipe, substitute Italian meringue made with 2 egg whites, l00 g sugar, and 60 ml water, for egg yolk mousse. Cream the butter and gradually beat in the cooled Italian meringue.
- Chocolate or coffee butter cream : Melt 175 g chopped plain chocolate or dissolve 2 tbsp instant coffee in 2 tbsp hot water, cool slightly and beat into 375 g butter cream.
- Orange or lemon butter cream : Beat grated rind of 2 oranges or lemons, 60 ml orange or lemon juice and 45 ml Grand Marnier into 375 g butter cream.
- Praline butter cream : Beat praline, made with 90 g whole un-blanched almonds and 90 g sugar, into 375 g butter cream.
- Raspberry butter cream : Puree 250 g fresh raspberries, strain and beat into 12 oz/375 g butter cream
- This is a domestic version of butter cream, consisting simply of equal weights of creamed butter and sugar thoroughly beaten together.
- Icing sugar gives a smooth filling, granulated sugar adds crunch, while brown sugar has more taste.
- Flavourings are the same as for butter cream.
- For fruit and vegetable cakes, cream cheese may be substituted for the butter.
- It is mainly used on light cakes and sponge cakes.
- Used over biscuits and also as fillings.
- It is also used in making Birth Day cakes.
- Soft icings vary in complexity from a simple glaze of icing sugar and water to the shimmering density of fondant, the favourite of European pastry chefs.
- The aim is a thin sugar coating, smooth enough to shine and soft enough to slice easily.
- Maintaining the correct temperature, so that coarse crystals do not form, is the key to smoothness, assisted by stabilizers such as glucose, golden syrup, cream of tartar and lemon juice.
- A glaze is thinner than icing, giving a semi-transparent coating; it may be added after baking or baked with the batter, as for some buns.
Types of soft icing:-
- Glace icing: It is normally used on a light sponge , coffee cakes , danish pastries and sweet rolls. It is also called Water Icing or Flat Icing.
- Honey glaze: Makes 250 ml glaze. In a saucepan mix 100 g sugar, 60 ml milk, 60 g butter and 4 tbsp honey. Heat gently, stirring until melted, and bring just to the boil. Spread on batter or dough for baking.
- Chocolate sachertorte icing: For a 9 in cake. In a heavy saucepan combine 250 g sugar and 125 ml water. Bring just to the boil and leave to cool. Melt 175 g chopped plain chocolate and gradually stir into the sugar syrup. Cook in a water bath over low heat, stirring, for 5 minutes. Take from the heat, stir in 1/2 tsp vegetable oil and allow to cool, stirring gently until just warm and of coating consistency.
- It is more often used over chocolate cakes, for coating biscuits and cookies and for coating gateaux. ◦ Ingredients :- Icing Sugar 170 gm , Butter 100 gm , Chocolate Powder 30 gm and Milk 2 tsp.
- Royal icing is made of icing sugar beaten to a smooth paste with egg white and a little lemon juice for whiteness. It holds a crisp, stiff shape . ◦ They may be white or delicately tinted to show clearly against a plain white background of royal icing. ◦ Royal icing is also handy for writing on soft coatings.
- It is commonly used in Christmas cakes and the colour usually kept white. ◦ Ingredients :- Grain Sugar 225 gm , Water 75 ml , Egg White 1 no. and Vanilla Essence.
- Frosting is an apt name for these light toppings.
- The most common whipped frosting is Italian meringue , made by adding hot sugar syrup to whipped egg whites. This stabilizes the egg whites so the frosting can be kept for two to three days.
- Americans are particularly fond of whipped frostings, such as boiled fudge frosting made by boiling chocolate with sugar and milk, or seven-minute frosting, beaten until thick in a double boiler.
- Whipped frosting sets on standing so it must be spread in freeform swirls and peaks while still warm.
- Vanilla is commonly used as a flavoring, though chopped nuts or raisins may be folded into the icing just before spreading.
- Whipped frosting can be used as both filling and topping.
- Boil sugar in water at 240°F. Whisk egg white to stiff. Let bubbles of the boiled sugar be upside then pour this on the egg white from a good height. Beat continuously. Whisk mixture still soft peaks are formed. Used over any surface as desired.
- White mountain frosting: Add 1 tbsp golden syrup when making sugar syrup in Italian meringue and 1 tsp vanilla essence just before using.
- Sultana or nut frosting: Fold 75 g sultanas or chopped slivered nuts into Italian meringue before using.
- American fudge: Boiled frosting: In a heavy saucepan, combine 60 g chopped unsweetened chocolate with 300 sugar, 125 ml milk, 60 g butter, 1 tbsp golden syrup and a pinch of salt. Boil 1 minute, stirring constantly Cool and add 1 tsp vanilla essence and beat until thick.
- Seven-minute frosting: In the top of a double boiler, mix 150 g sugar, 2 tbsp water, 1 tbsp light golden syrup, pinch of salt and 1 egg white. Beat by hand for 1 minute, Set over boiling water and beat until stiff peaks form, about 6 minutes. Remove from the heat and continue beating until thick enough to spread. Can be flavoured with vanilla, coffee, shredded coconut or chopped nut.